Vintager 2.0

Vintager gives spirit to ordinary photos! The first free effect based photo editor for Windows that can successfully substitute popular mobile Instagram-a-like apps. The software contains over 30 good looking effects and with one simple click it can transform an ordinary photo into a fancy looking one. Simple and intuitive use doesn't require any advanced design and computer skills, but powerful enough to replace a use of expensive software for the majority of users.
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19 votes Vote

Update your website - show before and after

Update your website - show before and after pictures.
vietnamrum, 07.02.2016, 07:55
3 votes Vote

Save as Button

Include a "Save as" Button to make saving redone photo's easier & safer. That way there would be less of a chance of overwritting an original photo by mistake!
skooterfd, 07.02.2016, 10:59
2 votes Vote

Its 2016, not 1990!

Allow the serial number to be copy and pasted in one go.... and don't have your software open so many web pages after installing...
Henk van Helmond, 07.02.2016, 11:15